@idealworld/task-table v0.1.0-beta.1 / IwProps
所有对外暴露的属性 / All exposed properties
入口配置请参见 SimpleTableProps 。
Entry configuration, please refer to SimpleTableProps.
NOTE: 所有Simple
NOTE: All properties starting with Simple
are simplified configurations that can be used directly, and the system will fill in the corresponding default values.
一个表格有一个或多个布局,配置分为表格级别与布局级别,表格级与布局级会共享一些配置 CommonFunctionProps CommonColumnProps。 表格级的配置作用于所有布局,布局级的配置可以继承并覆盖表格级的配置。
A table has one or more layouts, and the configuration is divided into table level and layout level. The table level and layout level will share some configurations CommonFunctionProps CommonColumnProps. The configuration of the table level applies to all layouts, and the configuration of the layout level can inherit and override the configuration of the table level.
- ActionColumnProps
- AggDataGroupResp
- AggDataItemProps
- AggDataProps
- AggDataResp
- AggItem
- CommonColumnProps
- CommonFunctionProps
- DataGroupResp
- DataQuerySliceReq
- DataResp
- DataSliceProps
- DictItemProps
- DictItemsResp
- EditDataProps
- EditableDataResp
- FilterDataGroupProps
- FilterDataItemProps
- FilterDataProps
- GanttLayoutProps
- GroupDataItemProps
- GroupDataProps
- LayoutColumnProps
- LayoutModifyProps
- LayoutProps
- QuickSearchProps
- SimpleLayoutProps
- SimpleTableProps
- SortDataItemProps
- SortDataProps
- TableColumnProps
- TableEventProps
- TableProps
- TableStyleProps
Type Aliases
- SimpleAggDataProps
- SimpleCommonColumnProps
- SimpleDataSliceProps
- SimpleEditDataProps
- SimpleFilterDataProps
- SimpleGanttLayoutProps
- SimpleGroupDataProps
- SimpleLayoutColumnProps
- SimpleSortDataProps
- SimpleTableColumnProps
- SimpleTableStyleProps
- TableStyleModifyProps
- generateAggDataProps
- generateDataSliceProps
- generateEditDataProps
- generateFilterDataProps
- generateGanttLayoutProps
- generateGroupDataProps
- generateLayoutProps
- generateSortDataProps
- generateTableProps
- getDefaultIconByDataKind
- getDefaultIconByLayoutKind
- getDefaultValueByDataKind
- getInputTypeByDataKind
- getOperatorKindsByDataKind
- showAggMappingByDataKind
- translateAggregateKind
- translateDataKind
- translateGanttShowKind
- translateOperatorKind
- translateSubDataShowKind